We are happy to announce that PC2 will host the second PC2 hackathon from August 26th to August 29th, 2024 in Paderborn!
Do you have a code that you would like to run more efficiently on our HPC systems? Or maybe an old code base that you would like to port to a modern HPC language such as Julia? Maybe you would like to establish an automated workflow with continuous integration and testing in your software project? Our PC2 hackathon is the perfect opportunity to partner up with our scientific HPC advisors and work towards your very own project goal here at PC2 in Paderborn. You propose a project, and we will try to help you make it happen!
We are open to a wide range of topics including, but not limited to, software development (e.g. adding a new feature or form of parallelism to your code), accelerator programming (e.g. GPU and FPGA), performance engineering and optimisation, as well as project infrastructure support (e.g. CI and software containers).
Registration is closed!
Paderborn University, Building X, Room X0.101
Mersinweg 5
33100 Paderborn